Data provided by NORSAR

Date: 2023-09-19 06:37:33

NORSAR's Event Warning System (NEWS)

Event     230426 Near west coast of eastern Honshu, Japan
   Date       Time        Err   RMS Latitude Longitude  Smaj  Smin  Az Depth   Err Ndef Nsta Gap  mdist  Mdist Qual   Author      OrigID
2023/09/19 06:23:20.06  19.24  0.03  36.4612  136.6821 510.6 219.3 148  12.1f         8    3 347  60.32  73.30        NEWS        230426
 (Depth fixed at ISC default depth grid)
 (Confidence level of given uncertainties:  95.00 %)
 (Station corrections were available for    3 station(s) as defined in /bull/auto/dpep/ALERT/data/stations.cor)
 (Reference model   : ak135_A)

Magnitude  Err Nsta Author      OrigID
   mb  4.5 0.2    6       V-C   230426

Sta     Dist  EvAz Phase        Time      TRes  Azim AzRes   Slow   SRes Def   SNR       Amp   Per Qual Magnitude    ArrID
SPITS  60.33 348.2 P        06:33:28.212   0.0  54.3   1.1   8.06    1.2 TAS   9.4       5.8  0.63 ___    mb  4.6    33502
SPITS  60.33 348.2 (P)      06:33:29.325   1.2  31.0 -22.2   9.59    2.8 ___   9.7       5.1  0.61 __e    mb  4.6    33503
ARCES  63.16 338.4 P        06:33:47.350  -0.0  49.4  -8.0   6.62   -0.0 TAS  29.2       7.5  0.68 __e    mb  4.7    33489
ARCES  63.16 338.4 (pP)     06:33:50.350  -0.9  70.8  13.4   6.08   -0.6 ___  13.1       2.9  0.51 __e    mb  4.4    33490
NORES  73.30 335.2 P        06:34:51.025  -0.0  60.0  16.5  10.69    4.8 TA_  26.2       1.6  0.44 __e    mb  4.3    33514
NORES  73.30 335.2 (P)      06:34:51.025  -0.0  34.3  -9.2   6.52    0.6 ___  21.8       0.7  0.33 __e    mb  4.1    33515

Tue 19 Sep 2023, 06:37:31 (UTC)